What is the difference between Bitcoin and PDX Coin?

jerimy gonzales
8 min readFeb 27, 2022

Bitcoin and PDX

Decentralized cryptocurrencies are produced by the entire cryptocurrency system collectively, at a rate determined when the system was created and which is known to the public. In centralized banking and economic systems such as the Federal Reserve System, corporate boards or governments control the supply of currency by printing units of fiat money or requesting additions to digital banking ledgers. In the case of decentralized digital currencies, companies or governments cannot generate new units, and so far have not provided support for other companies, banks or corporate entities that have the value of the assets measured in them. There are TWO cryptocurrencies and digital assets on the market today that are intentionally designed to act as a store of value and usable currency: Bitcoin and PDX.

Bitcoin has no assets and no business plan behind it. PDX has both. As crypto adoption continues, PDX will become a simple and easy-to-use currency for everyday use, as well as an everyday financial instrument. PDX Coin is a digital currency that is at the core of a powerful new banking and financial services ecosystem.

PDX Coin Project details summary

PDX Coin is an overall portion and mechanized monetary stage that is filling in as a section highlight enable innumerable retail clients, associations, vendors and dealers and other natural specialists all over the planet to completely participate in the crypto economy unequivocally and successfully. with change time and minimal expense. The impending portion application and banking organization will enable all major cryptos to be quick fluid and spendable in an enormous number of regions all over the planet. PDX is likewise making things and organization across the DeFi and NFT space with plans to convey by mid-2024 an associated stage for trading badge of most associations openly held around the world, the entire day, consistently,

PDX Coin is a digital currency that is at the core of a new robust banking and financial services ecosystem (the “Three Pillars” platform) based on peer-to-peer (ie no intermediary) encrypted and permissionless payments and money transfers, globally, that solves many problems. It is also positioned as the leading payment channel in the metaverse. PDX Coin holders will be able to make instant payments and transfers anonymously, and instantly, anywhere in the world, and their data will be stored on an immutable blockchain, making it indestructible, anti-theft and impossible for others to know without them. knowledge and consent

PDX wants to make it easy, and not harder by introducing PDXPAY , PDXPay is the world’s first mobile payment program that allows users to spend coins instantly online and in stores. Convenience of use is very important. Crypto today is challenging. PDX has made it as simple as using a credit card. If crypto works as expected, ordinary individuals will be completely unaware that it is being used. Using PDXPay is very easy. At the point of sale, there is no need to carry cards, notes, insert or sign anything; no need to enter the amount; and no need to redeem or convert points. Every process has been automated. Once the consumer chooses which cryptocurrency to use in their wallet.


PDX, a globally compliant digital currency, leverages blockchain technology, artificial intelligence and quantum computing/quantum cryptography to ensure participants have access to better and more secure financial services. This will substantially benefit and improve the ecosystem of companies and PDX token holders.

The PDX team believes that quantum computing and AI will be critical in the future of the platform, regarding how it harvests, manages, uses, manipulates and uses data. Also, to design new banking and payment products and services, and to better manage PDX when it has millions of users and the system operates constantly and at scale.

All those users will generate a huge amount of data — personal data, shopping habits, usage habits, etc. This data will help the PDX banking platform, and will help make continuous improvements to the PDX technology platform. This can help with new product designs, and the AI ​​side can push solutions into new areas (think communications, healthcare, etc).

The true application of quantum computing and AI will mean that PDX could advance enough in 10 years from now to be nearly unrecognizable than it is today. These developments will give PDX a smooth and seamless operation globally and make true utility a reality.

Quantum computing will make data harvesting and analysis very efficient. AI will learn from that data and make PDX a formidable leading competitor in ways that were unimaginable. PDX will also leverage quantum and AI in its energy business, primarily to model and analyze oil and gas reservoirs to optimize drilling and production, as well as explore ways to substantially increase hydrocarbon recovery rates above current levels, and expand both. recoverable reserves and the economic life of the fields and wells. Quantum and AI will also be big contributors to PDX’s planned exchange operations and are expected to help maintain the technology edge.

PDX offers all the advantages of a blockchain-enabled digital currency while providing a verifiable asset base to protect its value, stability and security as a medium of exchange. Transactions will be recorded in a blockchain distributed ledger, and, as a result, these transactions will be untrustworthy, censorship-resistant, permissionless, and private. Unlike other forms of asset control or money transfer, once a transaction on PDX is confirmed by the blockchain network, it becomes irreversible.

PDX will use the best available protocols for digital currencies and will help promote the ongoing changes in the way global financial transactions occur by removing artificial barriers caused by legacy financial institutions, thereby enabling:

  • True anonymous digital payments anywhere in the world.
  • Very low transaction fees and fast processing times compared to traditional setups.
  • Payments between parties are anonymous, ensuring privacy.

PDX Coin Benefits.

You don’t need to have PDX Coin to have DeFi. PDX Coin DeFi can be held by anyone with a wallet. It’s of no value unless you use it. PDX coins are also used to create virtual goods, such as jewelry, and are an example of a digital asset. These products are available on various websites and are often sold for less than the original price. You can buy NFT on PDX Coin DeFi for $300 from Upwork. Once you have NFT, you can sell it to your friends or sell it to make money. This can help you earn some extra cash. You can also sell them in online marketplaces. With DeFi Coin PDX and NFT, you will be able to make a lot of money. As a PDX Coin owner, you can buy NFT from anyone with an Ethereum wallet. Using this method, you can purchase multiple NFTs with your NFTs at any time of the day. When the price is high, you can even buy NFT at the same time. When you are ready to invest, you can easily exchange it for Bitcoin or DeFi for free.

PDX PDX currency holders will be able to make fast payments and transfers anywhere in the world, anonymously and immediately. And their information will be stored on an immutable blockchain, making it unbreakable, anti-theft and difficult for others to access without their knowledge and permission. PDX currency is a trusted store of value, trading vehicle and unit of account. Holders of other digital and national currencies will be able to lock in profits and protect against unfavorable declines in value due to inflation, volatility and currency devaluation using PDX coins.

What are the advantages of PDX Coin.

  • PDX is backed by physical assets, not just thin air, so it will be more price-stable
  • Banking, energy, and technology team with a proven track record of success
  • An advanced and secure technology with ongoing research and development based on the Ethereum ERC20 Protocol;
  • Multi-layered security features built-in to avoid token theft;
  • Audited and fully transparent;
  • An effective store of value;
  • The number of tokens is subject to a hard cap;
  • Globally tradable outside of traditional banking systems;
  • Designed for both businesses and consumers to use anonymously;
  • Creating mobile applications for global payments and transfers;
  • It’s convertible into major world currencies and cryptocurrencies.

PDX Token.

PDX Coin is an ERC20 utility token, which will trade and be known as PDX. PDX is a digital currency that is at the core of a powerful new banking and financial services ecosystem based on encrypted and permissionless peer-to-peer payments and money transfers, globally, that solve multiple problems. It is also being positioned as a leading payments channel in the Metaverse.

Token Name: PDX Coin
Token Ticker: PDX
Network: ERC-20
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 5 Billion
Contract: https://etherscan.io/token/0x6a8fee0E33Cb65a7E8D21BadCA62E87639ef74B3

PDX’s projected gross theoretical market capitalization of all 5 billion tokens created on completion its series of Global Public Sales is US$500 billion, assuming a $100 token price, which, if all were issued, would place it among the world’s 3 largest cryptocurrencies based on today’s crypto market. With a projected up to 150 million tokens in general circulation upon closing of the Public offering series, we therefore project, at the Offering Price, a market capitalization in the order of $15 billion billion. This doesn’t take into account additional tokens that may be issued in connection with potential strategic acquisitions in the banking, payments, and technology spaces.

Uniswap is the world’s biggest decentralized exchange, while XT.com has more than 3 million users and 30 million followers on social media. XT is one of the most popular exchanges in Asia, and is based in Singapore and Hong Kong.

The listing will include the first decentralized finance (DeFi) offering from PDX Coin. PDX Coin holders will be able to stake their PDX Coin tokens on Uniswapand earn a 12% APR with a minimum 6-month lock, and 15% APR for a 12-month lock, an attractive return in the current economic climate.

PDX Coin, a utility-based cryptocurrency that includes an in-development global crypto-to-fiat mobile payments app, announced today that it will commence trading on both the Uniswap decentralized exchange and on XT.com, from February 23. Currently, PDX trades on p2pb2b.io and Vindax.




Token Name: PDX Coin
Token Ticker: PDX
Network: ERC-20
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 5 Billion
Contract: https://etherscan.io/token/0x6a8fee0E33Cb65a7E8D21BadCA62E87639ef74B3


Website : https://pdxcoin.io/
Whitepaper : https://pdxcoin.io/files/PDX_White_Paper_December%202021.pdf
Telegram : https://t.me/PDXToken
Twitter : https://twitter.com/PDX_Coin
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pdxcoin/
Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/PDXCoin/
Medium : https://medium.com/pdxcoin
Link Purchase : https://p2pb2b.io/trade/PDX_USDT/

Author Info:
BTT username : Jerimy gonzales
BTT profiile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1840819
PDX ERC20 Wallet Address on P2PB2B: 0xB4Ba23B6cf67283c311419d1c60026d41667d975

#PDXCoin #crypto-to-fiat #payments #banking #globalpayments #paymentsapp #bankingplatform #PDX #metaverse

